My name is Silke Margaretha (once Laouisset). I like to do all things creative - and do them all the time. Some genetic defect I inherited by my mum... ;) (Thanks mum!)

As my family and friends are all very well equipped with self-made stuff by me already, I am in need of new victims for whom I can knit, embroider, crochet, sew, paint, tinker stuff -

                                   I am in need of  YOU ... all of you!


A trained and studied textile conservator by profession I have been working as employee and freelance in Germany, England and France since 2009. A great job this one, that made me visit many interesting places and got me (literally) into contact with impressive modern and historic textiles; from haut couture-fashion and modern art, to tapestries dating from the 15th century and liturgical garments of such august historic figures as Cardinal Richelieu, to ancient Peruvian and Egyptian grave-finds. Objects that fascinate, inspire... and don't diminish the already rather distinct creative enthusiasm of mine - not in the slightest! ;)


So please - your wishes and orders: give them to me!

Everything such as presented on my homepage is available. But I am more than happy to make something customized on order! A patchwork-blanket the size you need it? A cushion in a certain fabric, design or shape? A portrait of someone matching the colour scheme of your interior? A cuddly toy like no other?

Just contact me - I'm looking forward to it!


There's a form by which you can reach me on the welcoming page (click on the "ENGLISH" ) and you find my details via - who would have guessed!? - the "CONTACT"-button, yes!                                                                                                                                                    Cheerio!   :) S.




since July 2021


2017 - 2021


2015 - 2017



2013 - 2015


2012 - 2013


2010 - 2011







2004 - 2009



2002 - 2004



(Freelance) in Rhede / DE


Freelance in Stuttgart / DE


Employee at the "Staatliche Schlösser & Gärten" in the Residential Palace of Ludwigsburg / DE


Freelance / employee at "Chevalier Conservation" in Paris / FR


Freelance in Cologne / DE


Employee at the  "National Conservation Centre" in Liverpool / GB


Freelance in Munich / DE


Intern with "The Landi Company" in Stamford & the "National Museums" in Liverpool / GB


Student of the "conservation of textiles & archeological fibres" at the CICS in Cologne / DE


Intern with the "German Textile Museum" in Krefeld / DE