P1 - summer BREAK

After a sick start to the year came an unsettling spring and dramatic easter. But by the end of May not only had I handed in the divorce but helped my husband to move out too and was free to run off to the country. To my parents. Their company and some amenities their place has (such as my DIY-room, my father's DIY-shed, the lovely garden and the adjoining woods). Plus the normally "reserved" and cuddle-hostile little rabbit, that to my outmost surprise honoured me with its attention and comradeship and became my best-bunny who comforted me better than anybody else in my sadest moments! God bless your soul sweety!


When I arrived in the green oasis by colleagenial taxicab (Thanks Suse!) I started finishing off what I had had to leave behind half-done on my last stay. With paint and a brush in this case:

Most people my age think of Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, the good of Antonio Banderas too, when they think "vampires". The ds-clientele of "Angel" and "Spike". Younger fans will probably only get screamish in twilight...

A great many ignore Stephen Dorff - wrongly so! As contrary to his blade-swinging opponent HE is neither wearing some ugly piece of cheap leatherette nor disadvantageous hair-cut but sports some sexy uncontrolled growth and a cool name! Plus Mr. Winterweather keeps a far better architect at hand to take care of his living standards - which to my mind is very wise for someone with such a raised life-expectancy. One could say it is good - if not best - practice!

                                                                                   ... ... ... SPLISH - SPLASH :)

Apart from the painting I had an order to work on: a friend of mine had just moved into a very luxurious but also rather too open-space flat.  Her bedroom a master suite with walk-in closet, two balconies and Spa bath - but for some reason (?) the flat's multi-millionaire owner had spared his budget the expenses for a couple of doors... To shower in privat she needed some kind of screen. I proposed to build a paravent from a pair of shutters that had formerly been closet doors. With my father's help I made a rather chic  thing, if I may say so myself!

Then there were half a dozen birthday present to create. By strange let's call it "coincidence" most of my family members were born in July, September and October?! My nieces are very girly, they love pink, glitter, mermaids and unicorns. They don't get it from their parents I think!? ... Though ... My sister liked to play with her friend's white Barbie horse - does that count? And my brother-in-law does have an aquarium and fancies fish! ... Well, anyway. This year everybody got something embroidered suiting their individual likings.

And then there was the thing with the "old toys no longer needed to keep" my father - in actually exemplary manner - had assembled to be binned. God be praised - he told me about them and I could rescue some gems to go to hell in whatever handy basket the waste disposal men would have carried them away in ! :O


For example the wooden scooter my mother had been given as a child in the 1950ies! I always adored it! It just needed a new indicater. :) One day I'll turn the scooter into a coat hook or stand for umbrellas or suchlike. Superbe little thingy!


No way was I letting go of this lovely train either. One could use it wonderfully to put toothbrushes and make-up in a bathroom. Pull it along into the bedroom and onto the bedside table to lay your wristwatch and bracelets in at night. ... Or store in it whatever else you might want to have at hand when you go to bed... ;) A houndred and one possible usages!


The toy animals - great Deco!



the ones that my parents


(with their sense for equality in parenthood and living the classic family line-up with a father and mother figure)


made to complete the originally as single-parents designed animals were...




But no perfect matches no.



But with a little TLC I made the blended families members look pretty!



First sanding the paint.

Then a layer of fresh new neutral (white) colour.



and Daddy-bull got equipped each with a leather tail pinned to their backsides Eeyore-style.



Ready for family reunion!



The old toolbox from BOSCH (!) was ment to make the devil's aquaintance too. But I decided against it. As it was simply OBVIOUS it would make for the perfect low table! If you put wheels underneath...

What was meant to be a 6-weeks-break for different reasons became a 3-months-stay. Boredom wasn't a problem. I was busy enough

- despite Corona. :)