P4 - hiberna(c)tion

Strubbel alias "messy hair" (2014 - 2020)
Strubbel alias "messy hair" (2014 - 2020)



Coming back to my parents this time there's no cuddly rabbit.

A marden had payed a bloody visit.


Empty stable. Very sad.


RIP little one.

So no cuddling but a lot of other stuff to do. Because the Christmas presents aren't all ready yet! And there's only one week left. Got to finish them before, while and after decorating the house and baking cookies. And doing the shopping. And cleaning and all else that "has to be done" when Christmas Eve is coming on...

The holy-days gone, I'm still there - but got nothing to do?! :o Very unpleasant situation. :s

Thank godness one of my nephews helps out with an order for football fan accessoires.

Unfortunately I knit with thicker wool and bigger needles than the instructions ask for and generally tent to be "loose" so even though I counted that in I end up unravelling the bonnet twice because it is too big...

My mum - taking over what had been my exhusband's part so far - groans; "I cannot watch you doing it!". He too used to feel sick when I decided something wasn't turning out the way it should and undid what sometimes had been the work of very long hours - days even.

supporter's shawl
supporter's shawl
supporter wearing shawl
supporter wearing shawl
bonnet on ball
bonnet on ball
bonnet on supporter
bonnet on supporter

Luckily mum needs a shawl too, ... honest! ;)